Tuesday, January 9, 2007

TRUTH, will you set me free?

Looking at my blog, I suddenly asked myself two questions: "Am I ready to face the truth?" and "Am I ready to face the people who will know the truth?"

I want to let everything out (ok, not everything! there are things that better kept private, but I know you know what I mean.) but I am afraid of what the truth brings. I'm not sure if I have isolated my life's truth to the world -- or if this is the first time I will be truthful in a long time -- or if I still know the difference between truth and lies -- TOO MANY IFs FOR TRUTH BUT I MYSELF DON'T KNOW IF I'M READY FOR IT!!!

But there is one thing I need and want to promise myself --- I will DO MY BEST to be as TRUTHFUL as I CAN BE.

I feel better just thinking about it...

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