I just had my favorite Nacho Overload at Jollibee for breakfast and my, oh my, it was definitely a treat. Super yummy!

I would like to greet all the teachers a HAPPY TEACHERS’ DAY!!! I salute all the men and women who embraced this noble profession of inspiring and molding the hearts and minds of the Filipino youth with great courage and sacrifice.
To the teachers who will always be special to me:
My pre-school teachers in CLC: Teacher Ruth, Teacher Debbie, Teacher, Chit and Teacher May
My grade school teachers in Angelicum: my English teachers – Mrs. Gerona, Ms. Tess Magno, Ms. Elizabeth Pamo, Mrs. Virginia de Leon and Ms. Taruc; my Social Studies teacher: Mr. Ubaldo; and Fr. Tamerlana, O.P. and Fr. Alarcon, O.P.
My High school teachers: Mr. Revuelto, Mrs. Torrejos, Mrs. Tibang, Mr. Ronald Paulo, Ms. Esquilona, Ms. Bartolay, Ms. Pontila, Ms. Gupit
My college professors: Prof. Hernandez (Ling 110), Prof. Soresca (Integrated Spanish 1 & 2), Prof. Palis (SocSci), Prof. Orillos (EDL105), Prof. Banares (Philo I), Prof. Monponbanua (PolSci), Prof. Berlin del Mundo (Botany and Zoology), Prof. Menoy (Comm II), Prof. Cosico (Educ), Prof. Rustico Agacaoili, Jr. (English Lit), Dr. Sabile (College Dean), Prof. Julita V. Aquino (Comm I)
Also, Louie Vi, Jeca, Cacai, Merriam, and all the teachers I know that I forgot to mention...
Happy Teachers’ Day and thank you very much for everything you’ve taught and done for me!!
It’s not so fun here in the office today, it’s Vayie and Tetay's off today. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t find Cacai fun to be with, but there are loads of emails and we just don’t have the luxury to talk while dealing with this much emails. The rain pouring hard outside makes it harder for me to work – it’s making me sleepy. =(
Plus it’s sad to know that I will be eating all by myself at lunch time because Cai has her lunch back at her pad with her housemates. I might eat faster than I usually do when I’m with Vayie and Tetay since I have no one to talk to.
It’s one of those days…

I would like to greet all the teachers a HAPPY TEACHERS’ DAY!!! I salute all the men and women who embraced this noble profession of inspiring and molding the hearts and minds of the Filipino youth with great courage and sacrifice.
To the teachers who will always be special to me:
My pre-school teachers in CLC: Teacher Ruth, Teacher Debbie, Teacher, Chit and Teacher May
My grade school teachers in Angelicum: my English teachers – Mrs. Gerona, Ms. Tess Magno, Ms. Elizabeth Pamo, Mrs. Virginia de Leon and Ms. Taruc; my Social Studies teacher: Mr. Ubaldo; and Fr. Tamerlana, O.P. and Fr. Alarcon, O.P.
My High school teachers: Mr. Revuelto, Mrs. Torrejos, Mrs. Tibang, Mr. Ronald Paulo, Ms. Esquilona, Ms. Bartolay, Ms. Pontila, Ms. Gupit
My college professors: Prof. Hernandez (Ling 110), Prof. Soresca (Integrated Spanish 1 & 2), Prof. Palis (SocSci), Prof. Orillos (EDL105), Prof. Banares (Philo I), Prof. Monponbanua (PolSci), Prof. Berlin del Mundo (Botany and Zoology), Prof. Menoy (Comm II), Prof. Cosico (Educ), Prof. Rustico Agacaoili, Jr. (English Lit), Dr. Sabile (College Dean), Prof. Julita V. Aquino (Comm I)
Also, Louie Vi, Jeca, Cacai, Merriam, and all the teachers I know that I forgot to mention...
Happy Teachers’ Day and thank you very much for everything you’ve taught and done for me!!
It’s not so fun here in the office today, it’s Vayie and Tetay's off today. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t find Cacai fun to be with, but there are loads of emails and we just don’t have the luxury to talk while dealing with this much emails. The rain pouring hard outside makes it harder for me to work – it’s making me sleepy. =(
Plus it’s sad to know that I will be eating all by myself at lunch time because Cai has her lunch back at her pad with her housemates. I might eat faster than I usually do when I’m with Vayie and Tetay since I have no one to talk to.
It’s one of those days…