It’s almost 2am and I still have to wait for another hour before my shift starts (I’ve been here since 12.30am). Good thing, this is for a very important occasion… ATO Reactive Uno Animo’s first team building for 2008!!
Thanks to Dustin, he took the heavy bags with him and left the light ones for us, girls (Tetay, Vayie and me). Unfortunately, he forgot to bring the paper plates that Tetay brought here in the office with him.
Thank goodness, that Resty will be with us, at least we have someone big and strong to carry most of the bags for us since we all know that Resty is such a gentleman. =D
My head is aching. My eyes want to sleep. I don’t really feel good when I lack sleep.
I got stuck in heavy traffic last night when I went to Megamall to buy food and some school stuff for Josine last night. I was home by 8pm but I was too tired to immediately hit the sack for that much needed rest. I was only able to get 2 hours of sleep. The cold shower helped in jumpstarting my brain. But now that I’m here in the office and used to the biting cold of the production and the comforting warmth brought by my jacket, I’m so tempted to just go to the break room and take a long nap.
I know I can’t. =(
I need to do something stimulating to my brain. I’m really sleepy – I think might fall asleep while walking.
Okay, here’s my first attempt to stay awake. =P
Wow, Febe just gave me a packet of chocolate-covered raisins. Hope this helps. Thanks, Febe!!!
Going back to my attempt…
Sana 12nn na. I just want to be in the resort, take a short nap and spend time with my teammates.
We all deserve this break. I’m so happy that our plans to do this finally pushed through.
Shoot! 4.57am pa lang. 7 hours pa. Waaaaah...
Thanks to Dustin, he took the heavy bags with him and left the light ones for us, girls (Tetay, Vayie and me). Unfortunately, he forgot to bring the paper plates that Tetay brought here in the office with him.
Thank goodness, that Resty will be with us, at least we have someone big and strong to carry most of the bags for us since we all know that Resty is such a gentleman. =D
My head is aching. My eyes want to sleep. I don’t really feel good when I lack sleep.
I got stuck in heavy traffic last night when I went to Megamall to buy food and some school stuff for Josine last night. I was home by 8pm but I was too tired to immediately hit the sack for that much needed rest. I was only able to get 2 hours of sleep. The cold shower helped in jumpstarting my brain. But now that I’m here in the office and used to the biting cold of the production and the comforting warmth brought by my jacket, I’m so tempted to just go to the break room and take a long nap.
I know I can’t. =(
I need to do something stimulating to my brain. I’m really sleepy – I think might fall asleep while walking.
Okay, here’s my first attempt to stay awake. =P
Wow, Febe just gave me a packet of chocolate-covered raisins. Hope this helps. Thanks, Febe!!!
Going back to my attempt…
Sana 12nn na. I just want to be in the resort, take a short nap and spend time with my teammates.
We all deserve this break. I’m so happy that our plans to do this finally pushed through.
Shoot! 4.57am pa lang. 7 hours pa. Waaaaah...